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Data Storage

Some apps need to store and retrieve data. For example apps like power BI needs to store mapping details of each user. TO achieve this we have key - value data storage where the data of the users are stored as a key-value pair and can also be retrieved.

For this tutorial let say we have an object:

const newData = {
    id: 123,
    name: "john doe"
  • Store


  • await client.db.set(key, value) can be used to set a key-value pair for a user.
  await client.db.set("data", newData);


  • await $Storage.set(key, value) can be used to set a key-value pair from the server side code of the app.
  await $Storage.set("data", newData);
  • Retrive


  • const result = await client.db.get(key) can be used to retrieve a value for that particular user. It returns a stringified object which can be then converted to json by JSON.parse(result).
  const result = JSON.parse(await window.client.db.get("data"));


  • const result = await $Storage.get(key) can be used to retrieve a value for that particular key for that particular user from the server side code of your app.
const result = await $Storage.get("data");